2. Redbox Instant by Verizon with a 1-month FREE TRIAL subscription : Unlimited streaming + 4 DVD credits! I haven't been too impressed with the user interface. Maybe I am just too used to Netflix. But I am going to try to Kiosk tomorrow. There is one at the grocery store.

They were delicious. Tasted just like a Southwestern burger! I would highly recommend it. Next Monday we are going to try the Chik'n Nuggets!
4. Claritin-D®- It came just in the nick of time too! Cold and flu season is in full swing. And my allergies are ALWAYS kickin'. In my BzzKit was a high-value coupon for $10 off a 10+ count box of Claritin-D® tablets and coupons for $3 off a 10+ count box of Claritin-D® tablets. I took it for a whole week and I am pretty impressed with the product. I can't say that I am completely un-stuffed but there is definitely less congestion. I think that I have the added swelling that the Claritin-D doesn't really touch. But my nose has become less runny for sure (WIN). I normally take my Claritin-D 24 hour in the morning with my breakfast. Last night I had been over at a friends house and they just got a new cat. Normally that would have sent me into a sneeze, water eye, gagging fit but I seemed to be just fine. The only thing is that I have been waking up in the middle of the night a bit stuffy. I read some other reviews from BzzAgents who purchased the 24 hour and they all have a similar complaint. That you feel like you want to take another one about 18 or so hours into it. Over all I am glad that I was able to try this product. Not sure that I would purchase it at full price. You can get both ingredients generically for cheaper .
Phew! And then... Just this week I got invited to
5. Café Escapes®
6. Schick Hydro Silk® Razors
I will tell you all about them when my BzzKits come in.